Passing Customer Data

If you wish to have the user fill in their details on your website, or already store the user details for pre-existing customers, you can pass this data to Arrow so that it will be automatically filled when using Arrow Checkout. This makes it easier for returning customers and saves time.

  1. Set the customer field with the following format

"customer" : [
    "first_name" : "User",
    "last_name" : "Name",
    "email" : "",
    "contact" : "+12345678",

    "street" : "Example Street",
    "building" : "Example Building",
    "line2" : "Address Line 2",
    "city" : "Example City",
    "country" : "Singapore",
    "country_code" : "SG",
    "postal_code" : "12345",

Variable (Type)


first_name (String)

First Name of the customer

last_name (String)

Last Name of the customer

email (String)

Customer Email

contact (String)

Customer Phone Number (using + at the start)

street (String)

Street Name

building (String)

Building name and/or number

line_2 (String)

Address Line 2 . leave it empty if not needed

city (String)

City Name

country (String)

Country Name

country_code (String)

Country Code (for example Singapore is SG)

postal_code (String)

Postal Code